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DUFFIES®: A quick & effective solution in case of smelly shoes! Its well selected ingredients generate a TRIPLE EFFECT

DUFFIES®: A quick & effective solution in case of smelly shoes! Its well selected ingredients generate a TRIPLE EFFECT:

DUFFIES®: A quick & effective solution in case of smelly shoes!
Its well selected ingredients generate a TRIPLE EFFECT:
1. MOISTURE ABSORBER: Absorb moisture, thus preventing the bacteria’s lifeblood and neutralizing the bacteria structure in an environmentally friendly manner.

2. ODOR NEUTRALIZER: Effectively eliminate bad odors.

3. SHOE REFRESHENER & DEODORIZER: Spread a pleasant, fresh scent.

DUFFIES® are very suitable for shoes & boots, but also for gloves, sportswear, bags, cabinets, cases, cars etc.

With the Power of Nature: BAMBOO activated CHARCOAL and SALT MINERALS. Without aerosols – no silver ions or chemical bactericides. Ingredients fully complies with REACH regulation of the European Union. Examination “REACH conformity” in collaboration with BUREAU VERITAS.

DUFFIES®: A quick & effective solution in case of smelly shoes! Its well selected ingredients generate a TRIPLE EFFECT: